RFC Syntax Check
As you are aware, any email address follows a specific syntax, or a specific set of rules originally standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in the 1980s.
An email address, such as user.name@example.domain.com, is made up from a local-part, the symbol @, and a domain name. RFC Syntax checks makes sure that the email address is of the correct RFC format.
- OK : The check has passed.
- FAILED : The check was failed and the email address is not usable.
Domain Syntax check
As you are aware, any email address follows a specific syntax, or a specific set of rules originally standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in the 1980s.
An email address, such as user.name@example.domain.com, is made up from a local-part, the symbol @, and a domain name. The domain part also should follow a universally accepted standard syntax. Domain syntax checks whether the domain syntax is correct
- OK : The check has passed.
- FAILED : The check was failed and the email address is not usable.
Domain Extension Check
The right-most label conveys the top-level domain (.biz or .com or .org). The hierarchy of domains descends from the right to the left label in the name; each label to the left specifies a subdivision, or subdomain of the domain to the right. (user.name@example.domain.com). This check ensures that the Top Level Domain (TLD) is an authorized extension.
- OK : The check has passed.
- FAILED : The check was failed and the email address is not usable.
Domain Availability Check
A domain level check validates whether the domain name exists or not, by checking the global DNS servers.
- OK : The check has passed.
- FAILED : The check was failed and the email address is not usable.
Mail Server verification
Mail server check checks and validates the domain specified in the email address has a Mail server to receive emails without which your campaigns will fail.
- OK : The check has passed.
- FAILED : The check was failed and the email address is not usable.
Mailbox Check
Checks if a user with the email address is existing in the domain.
- Yes : The user was found on the domain.
- No : The user was not found on the domain. So do not use this email address for campaigns.
- Yes, But Inactive : The email address is existing but mail will not be delivered due to reasons, like inactive, storage full, deactivated etc.
- Not Verified : The Domain is a Catch-all or Allow-all domain which will not give you a confirmation of received mails and also won't give bounce report. Keeping these domains for campaings is not suitable as you will soon end in spam trap listing.
Role Email / Broadcast Email Flagging
A built-in powerful feature of cmercury-verify, it flags if an email address is a role address ( marketing@example.com, support@company.com etc.)
Role email addresses typically define a responsibility rather than a person. Therefore, there is a greater unlikeliness for a role email to give consent to receive marketing emails. A subcategory of Role addresses is called “Broadcast” addresses. Any emails send to these addresses go to many people attached to the broadcast list and increases multi-fold the risk of spam complaints and invalids impacting your email deliverability.
- Yes: The address is a role address.
- No: The address is not a role address.
Disposable ( Temporary) Emails Flagging
Disposable email is a service that allows a registered user to receive email at a temporary address that expires after a certain time period elapses. They are basically used by customers who does not want their email address to be used for spamming.
Many online discussion forums, blogs and websites ask visitors to register before they can post comments, view premium content or download white papers. A disposable email account will allow the visitor to sign up and verify his registration without exposing his primary email account to spam.
- Yes : The email address is a disposable email address.
- No : : The email address is not a disposable email address.
Abuse Email Verifier (Spam Reporter Score)
We as an Email Service Provider maintains a global repository of email users who often mark email as spam and allows marketers to cleanse their email lists.We give an edge to marketers using cmercury ESP allowing them to prune their email customer data base using abuse email verifier.
- Low : The person has history of spam reporting, but is at a negligiable rate. This email address can be used for campaigns.
- Medium : The person has history of spam reporting and is at a serious rate. Please use this email address with caution when used for campaigns, if it is not opted by the person.
- High : The person has history of spam reporting at a very severe rate. This email address should not be used for non opted in campaigns.
- None : No history of spam reporting noted.